Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Freak Hook brings a solution to "Freakin" Black & Milds @TheFreakHook

 photo freak hook pic 1_zps3xh4wbdu.jpg Studies have shown that most consumers who use certian small cigars,"freak" the cigar in order to have a smooth draw during the smoking process. "Freaking" the cigar is the process of removing the inner binder paper that inhibits a light smooth draw. The paper is glued into the cigar and is often stuck. Thus causing the consumer to become irritated and spend more money for a new cigar or try countless make shift ideas to attempt to remove this inner paper. The idea of making this patent pending product came from running into the problem of a stuck paper inside the cigar. There were many suggestions from other consumers. For example, people have tried using straws, pens, and basically any object that will fit inside the cigar paper itself. Even though these objects in fact fit into the cigar, they are not always successful in the removal of the paper glued and stuck to the inside. All of these products were proven to in fact tear the cigar paper leaving it unusable. So we created The Freak Hook, a simple solution for removing stuck paper.

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